Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is a process used by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) like the CWS Learning Institute to evaluate a person’s skills, knowledge and experience gained in the workplace or through life experience. Evidence is mapped into a current nationally recognised unit of competency or full qualifications.
The national units of competency and qualifications represent the skills standards for each industry sector and help people find new careers in the private sector or government.
We can help you answer important questions such as
How will my service skills transfer to civilian life?
How do new employers understand my experience and translate to the outside world?
What options are available to me?
RPL is not a short cut to gaining a qualification. Skills learned from serving in the Army, Navy or Air Force can be assessed so you don’t have to sit in a classroom and learn things you already know.
RPL is a way to formally recognise the knowledge and skills you have gained through service, community and life experiences as well as formal and informal study. It may provide national recognition of the skills you use in your job role, and validate the learning you have already acquired.